Samsung has launched its Galaxy A21s handset in India. Its price will start from 16,499. This mid-range smartphone will compete with Realme 6 Series and Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro in the market. The new smartphone of Galaxy A21s will match the rest of the smartphone in the mid-range market with quad-camera system and long battery life.
Samsung is entering the budget smartphone market with an Infinity-O display and four rear cameras. This smartphone was launched in many countries in Europe only last week. This device will give a better camera setup and longer battery life of 5,000mAh as compared to Galaxy A20s.
Smartphone specifications and features
The Galaxy A21s is available in two different models. 4 GB + 64 GB and 6 GB + 64 GB. It is available for Rs 16,499 and Rs 18,499 respectively. However, experts believe that this price of the smartphone is slightly higher than the expected price. Tech information was expecting that the price of Galaxy A21s will be less than 15,000.
The Galaxy A21s has a 6.5-inch HD + Infinity-O display with an aspect ratio of 20: 9. It has Exynos 850 processor and according to the model has 4 GB or 6 GB RAM and 32 GB or 64 GB storage options. The user interface of this phone is based on One UI 2.0 and works on the Android 10 version. The company has launched this phone in three color variants - Black, White, and Blue. This handset has a 5,000mAh battery and support for 15W charging.
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This phone has a 48-megapixel main camera in the Quadva camera setup, which has phase detection autofocus. Along with this, there is also an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens and 2-megapixel macro shooter and 2-megapixel depth sensor. Along with this, this phone also has a 13-megapixel front camera. This phone also has a fingerprint sensor on the backside.
Samsung is entering the budget smartphone market with an Infinity-O display and four rear cameras. This smartphone was launched in many countries in Europe only last week. This device will give a better camera setup and longer battery life of 5,000mAh as compared to Galaxy A20s.
Smartphone specifications and features
The Galaxy A21s is available in two different models. 4 GB + 64 GB and 6 GB + 64 GB. It is available for Rs 16,499 and Rs 18,499 respectively. However, experts believe that this price of the smartphone is slightly higher than the expected price. Tech information was expecting that the price of Galaxy A21s will be less than 15,000.
The Galaxy A21s has a 6.5-inch HD + Infinity-O display with an aspect ratio of 20: 9. It has Exynos 850 processor and according to the model has 4 GB or 6 GB RAM and 32 GB or 64 GB storage options. The user interface of this phone is based on One UI 2.0 and works on the Android 10 version. The company has launched this phone in three color variants - Black, White, and Blue. This handset has a 5,000mAh battery and support for 15W charging.
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This phone has a 48-megapixel main camera in the Quadva camera setup, which has phase detection autofocus. Along with this, there is also an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens and 2-megapixel macro shooter and 2-megapixel depth sensor. Along with this, this phone also has a 13-megapixel front camera. This phone also has a fingerprint sensor on the backside.
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